Percentage of Black Babies Aborted in New York
Past Gary Franks - | Jan 28, 2022

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Gary Franks
Is there something wrong with this picture show — nearly xl% of all abortions in America since Roe vs. Wade have been from Black Americans? This equates to more than than 20 million Black pregnancies aborted. That would be the equivalent to either the populations of New York or Florida. Even so, Blackness people make up just 14% of the U.S. White people account for 35% of all abortions as the majority population in the land.
Is information technology because Black people have suffered more than cases of incest, rape, or mothers in need to abort due to the threat of decease? I remember not.
And so why is this happening? Is it a silent genocide within America? Subsequently all abortions would amount to a 50% reduction of the Black population. Today, there are 46 million Black Americans.
I supported the so-called pro-choice position while in Congress. These are votes I regret today and pray for God's forgiveness on so many levels.
I am non declaring Planned Parenthood during the early role of the 20th century a racist organization, and definitely not today. But you can estimate for yourself based on the content of this cavalcade.
Planned Parenthood has appointed well-nigh half of its presidents from minority communities. In its early days, information technology succeeded in enlisting the support of many if non most of the Black leaders during that period. Today every member of the Congressional Blackness Caucus supports Planned Parenthood. Then how could information technology exist racist? Ane could contend.
But digging deeper into the research i discovers that its founder, Margaret Sanger, wrote about the "Negro Project" or "Problem" in terms akin to believers of eugenics.
There are two sides to every coin. One side talks nigh Black infant mortality rates and the death rate of Blackness mothers during childbirth. Their mantra: health care. Notwithstanding the other side has mounting abortions of Black pregnancies.
Sometime President Richard Nixon was the first to authorize federal funds to Planned Parenthood in 1970 equally an extension of the Public Health Service Act Title X. His assistants provided funding for family planning and services including contraception, which had bipartisan support in Congress. "No American woman should exist denied access to family planning help because of her economical condition," Nixon said.
Noble. I concurred when I was in Congress.
The line is fatigued on abortions, however. Some of Planned Parenthood largest contributors decline to back up any of their funds going toward abortions. More should follow. Thanks to the Hyde Subpoena, Congress denies nearly half billion dollars a yr from doing the same. Nevertheless Planned Parenthood is the leading provider of ballgame services. This is unfortunate.
Somehow, the system has cleverly added cancer screening to its list of services. And what does that have to exercise with its original mission of family planning? Just like baseball game and apple pie, how tin you oppose it? Smart.
Had I learned of Ms. Sanger'due south own words when I was an elected official, I would take never allowed myself to exist associated with whatsoever group she led. Hither she is in her ain words: "Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural constabulary, is nothing more or less that the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit of preventing the birth of defective or of those who will become defectives."
In 1932 she wrote near the "Negro problem" in America. In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble she wrote, "We don't want the give-and-take to become out that nosotros want to exterminate the Negro population." She feared the perception that her efforts could be interpreted as being harmful to a certain part of the Black community. She referenced working through Black leaders to accomplish her nascence control mission, specially Black ministers. She likewise believed in segregating "lacking" people.
I implore the U.S. Supreme Court to do everything in its ability to stop the madness. Socioeconomic reasons should non be justification to abort a pregnancy in America. We, as a guild, are better than that.
Planned Parenthood leaders are as skillful with their onerous and subtle tactics as the tobacco manufacture was back in the mean solar day. Big Tobacco used the vast majority of its billboard advertisements to target the Black community, knowing full well that its product was harmful to ane'southward wellness. The proliferation of liquor stores and illegal drugs also seem to detect their way disproportionately into the Black customs. And what is not plant in many Blackness communities are groceries stores selling fresh fruit and vegetables.
Oh, and where are most of the Planned Parenthood facilities? Y'all guessed it — in the Blackness community.
At that place are so many reasons to seriously overhaul this organization.
Gary Franks served iii terms as U.S. representative for Connecticut'due south 5th District. He was the offset Black Republican elected to the House in nearly 60 years and New England'southward first Black member of the House. Host: podcast "We Speak Frankly." Writer: "With God, For God, and For Country." @GaryFranks
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