Easy Life Voogle First Aid for Fish

Easy life Voogle 250ml. – first aid for fish diseases – harmless v. invertebrates

Easy Life Voogle is becoming more well-known and more applied. Not only by consumers but also by aquarium specialist stores and importers of freshwater and saltwater fish.

Resistance to antibiotics

In general, the use of antibiotics is becoming increasingly problematic. That is because the number of pathogens that are resistant, are rapidly increasing. Every day we can read about the increase of, for example, resistant bacteria in, for example, chicken meat. But also in aquatics there is already an alarming increase in resistant strains of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot in fish).

Resistance to antibiotics increasingly problematic.

Ban on antibiotics

In many countries the free use and sale of antibiotics is under discussion. If antibiotics are not used properly, resistance arises. To prevent this, the EU wants to ban the free sale of antibiotics. A direct consequence of the adopted law is that it is prohibited (as of 1 January 2013) to sell products containing antibiotics in Dutch pet shops.

The alternative: Easy Life Voogle

Of course there are (still) medicines for fish diseases available, but it is nevertheless better to apply the new generation of drugs, especially Voogle. Often they are just as effective and have countless benefits. The biggest advantage is that they can not generate resistance: even with frequent use no resistance will occur.

Voogle does not generate resistance!

Easy Life Voogle was developed in 2010 by Easy Life and has since been perfected ever since. Voogle is based on the targeted strengthening of the immune system in order to tackle the pathogens in a natural way. This approach is also of great interest in the development of human medicines because it has been scientifically proven that immune enhancers are very capable of stimulating or directing the immune system so that infections can occur and can be controlled without the intervention of antibiotics.

How does Easy Life Voogle work?

Strong and weak fish

In an aquarium with sick fish, it sometimes happens that not all fish become ill. This is actually a strange thing, but also in people: not everyone gets flu or gets sick. If the resistance is good, the chance of becoming ill is also much less or you get better sooner.

Easy Life Voogle gratefully uses this principle and works directly on the immune system of a fish.

Each fish has a natural immune system that protects against pathogens. Conditions and factors such as transport, contaminated water or a high content of pathogens cause a high level of stress. Stress increases the level of the hormone Cortisol which has an enormous influence on the metabolic processes. The disturbed osmotic regulation, Vitamin C degradation, protein degradation etc. cost a lot of energy and exhaust the fish. But the biggest problem is that Cortisol directly has a negative influence on the immune system of a fish. The so-called leukocytes contain the enzymes 'lysosomes'.

Easy-Life Voogle lysosome amplifier

**** SCHEDULE: lysosomes fuse with a bacterium and release enzymes that digest the bacterium.

These lysosomes are surrounded by a membrane. These small "suicide bags" normally fuse with harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses and make the digestive enzymes do their work. Cortisol, however, changes the chemical structure of the membranes and therefore lysosomes can no longer fuse well with the pathogens. The mucous membrane in particular contains a lot of lysosomes and so it becomes clear that the natural protection with a high Cortisol content (read: in case of a lot of stress) does not function properly anymore.

Voogle ensures that, among other things, the production of Cortisol is inhibited so that the immune system is no longer hindered by loss of energy and active lysosomes. The result is that pathogens can be properly controlled again because the immune system is at full strength again. The mucous membrane in particular can provide optimal protection again.


Sick fish During 5 days, 10 ml per 40 liters of aquarium water
Avoid problems Weekly 10 ml per 100 liters of aquarium water
Transport (short or multi-day) Double dose: 10 ml per 20 liters of transport water
Quarantine after long transport During 5 days, 10 ml per 40 liters of aquarium water
Purchase new fish During 3 days: 10 ml per 40 liters of aquarium water

Packaging units

250 ml – 500 ml – 1,000 ml


Source: https://www.seaflowerstore.com/easy-life-voogle-250ml-eerste-hulp-bij-visziekten-onschadelijk-v-ongewervelden/

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